Viridian Rules

The Viridian Rules

These Rules are based on the default rules as set out in Schedule 1 of the Unit Titles
(Management) Regulation 2011, as amended by the alternative rules made under s.108 of the Unit Titles (Management) Act 2011 (the UTM Act).

Under the UTM Act, there is an agreement between the Owners Corporation and its members, and between each member and each other member, to be bound by these Rules. Landlords are liable separately and together with tenants for any breach of these Rules, unless they prove that they took reasonable precautions to prevent the breach.

The aim of the Owners Corporation is for all Viridian owners, residents, tenants and visitors, including businesses, to share and enjoy an environment that is peaceful, comfortable, attractive and respectful of the needs of other owners and residents.

The following documents are provided for your information.

Unit Titles (Management) Act 2011 (from the ACT Government Website) – click here

The Owners Corporation Rules – Units Plan 2839, Approved 6 June 2024. (downloadable version) – click here